
Raccanello Boya

Esenşehir, Sarıgazi Yolu No:34, Ümraniye/Istanbul

+9 0 (216) 313 00 17
+9 0 (541) 626 28 20

bilgi @ raccanelloboya.com

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RACCANELLO TERRACEMENT is a terrazo-looking and textured topcoat floor and wall

covering. With its thin structure (1mm-1.5mm max) compared to other terrazo products, it

does not put any load on the carriers such as floors, walls, panels, etc. and does not cause

unnecessary weight.

TERRACEMENT has unlimited color alternatives as a subfloor color. For this reason, it

provides a comfortable use in terms of design and space.

TERRACEMENT application can be applied to all flat and solid floors, mdf plates, plaster –

putty walls and interior and exterior facades.